
From challenge to opportunity:
Transforming access site care for superior outcomes

Radial artery access:

Manual Closure device


Worldwide unique Radial Artery Compression Device

Globally novel, intuitive, out-of-the-box solution
IP protection – patent granted


Patented under patent families
WO2013060883, WO2020169573

CE pending

Automatic/Robotic Closure device

Simplicardiac is developing first-in-class automated access site management robots simpliactive bot.

Radial puncture closure bot- high-tech innovation. Used directly on radial puncture after cardiac catheterization procedure, works with the reusable module.

Initially simpliactive solution will work
as a standalone bot.

Simpliactive bots & platform

Simpliactive bots will be integrated                              into a comprehnsive remote patient monitoring simpliactive platform.

NOVEL CLASS of medical devices at the interface      of arteriotomy closure, cathlab robotisation and remote patient monitoring.

Capable to respond to all identified market needs.

Big Data and self-optimization using AI algorithms

Simpliactive bots – IP PROTECTION 1st layer (patents granted)

Simpliactive bots – IP PROTECTION 2st layer (patents pending)

Femoral artery access:

Saving lives, saving funds, focus on access site care management

Bleeding associated with higher mortality and longer hospital stay

Median total health care costs for patients with bleeding complications compared with median for patients without bleeding complication

Simplicardiac’s roadmap towards

information-age post catheterisation patient care
Device innovation
Manual radial band
- Worldwide unique
- Early access 2024

Simpliactive bots
Automated access site
management device
- First-in-class
- Prototype ready

Simpliactive platform
- Remote Patient
Monitoring system for automated
access site management
- Conceptual stage

Simplicardiac’s roadmap towards

Improving patients’ outcomes while reducing personnel workload
IntuitivenessImproving work environment Reducing mortality
Manual radial band
- Worldwide unique
- Early access 2024

Simpliactive radial
Bots + platform
- First-in-class
- Prototype ready

Simpliactive femoral
Bots + platform
- First-in-class
- Conceptual stage

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